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Jason Horton's Bio

Writing from my Soul (Not sole, that would be far more impressive)

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. 

I started writing when I was around 25. I reached a point in my life where my imagination could no longer be contained. I have always been a very imaginative person but never really had an outlet for it. Now though I can't imagine being with out the writing side of my life. 


I enjoy writing the spy and sex scenes most of all. The current series I'm writing however has been really fun to write and it is predominantly Romance themed. Delving into how people fall in love and what makes them feel brings more depth to my other stories. 


You may have guessed but, I use a Pseudonym as to protect my Identity and to create some space between my writing and the rest of my life. In my personal life there is only one other person who knows I'm a writer and that's my wife. When one of my main books hits number one on Amazon I will tell every one I know!


Judging by my sex scenes this next revelation might surprise you. I'm actually a Christian. And this is another reason why I use a fake name! One problem I see with most religions is there ability to be open about sex. God didn't just create sex for reproduction purposes. Its meant to fun and a recreational activity. I still think its best kept between a husband and wife but there is nothing wrong fantasising about extra people joining in!


Even if I didn't have these relatively conservative views my wife would stop me from living my dream of sleeping with every single woman I could. Probably a good thing I'm married. 


In case it doesn't translate well I'm always upbeat and normally saying things with a glint in my eye. I like keeping everything in life fun as I find its the easiest way to cope with what ever  life throws at us. 


Generally I get most of my writing career work done in the evenings or early in the morning. I have a full time job which I really enjoy. Not about to give that up any time soon. Unless your a writer yourself, through no fault of your own you probably won't understand how much work goes into producing books. So below is a list of jobs with timings for one of the Fire and Ice books (12,000-15,000 words).


Writing time 90-100  hours writing time (I'm a fairly slow writer and have limited time available!)

Editing time 50-60 hours. I normally go Edit each book at least 10 to 15 times.

Creating a book cover 8-9 hours. I'm gradually getting faster at this!

Sending out to beta readers 3-4 hours. This takes up a surprising amount of time!

Advertising is normally around 2-3 hours but I'm planning to up this in the future.


As you can see a lot of work goes into producing one short book!


Apart from writing I play one sport, and that is about it! Not the most interesting story ever but I enjoy the everyday things in life. Special occasions and big events are fun but the real life satisfaction comes from being content with your every day routines. 


Thanks for coming along to read this. Anything else you want to know please drop me a DM on twitter!


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