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My Books

Currently I am in a year of just writing, so you will probably see several exciting stories on this website that you cant read yet! I'm sorry about that but I am working hard to bring you some very exciting well written material.

eBooks are currently the only format of books I sell. You will start seeing paperbacks available for full sized books and collections of short stories so don't be put off my work if you enjoy the having a real book in your hands. There will be plenty available soon! 

I currently sell using amazon but I am planning to increase the number of places my books are available to help support smaller companies. When I do start selling paperbacks I plan to support small book stores as much as I can but you will still be able to buy paperbacks from Amazon too. 

Updates will be easiest to follow if you are subscribed to my email subscription service but you can always stay up to date if you follow me on Twitter, Instagram Facebook, or LinkedIn.

Church Candles

This well liked series brings all the excitement of romance, thrill of revenge and turmoil of fighting for love, together. This story has something for every one and builds the background of my two main characters for there upcoming full sized book series (Struggling to find a title name I'm happy with) 

The Fire and Ice series even includes a minor bit of Spying but that couldn't possibly be a sign of what's to come. Could it?

The first full book I wrote, is currently in overhaul mode!! The last year and half of actually getting my writing seen by people has taught me so much that I now have a lot to fix with my original book.


I don't want to interest you to much but its got, spying, action, hot sex, comedy, suspense, plus enough beer and wine to drown a fish.

Image by Craig  Whitehead
Image by Briana Tozour

Here you will find some fun sexy stories with plenty of detail but more importantly, story line. 

I enjoy writing sex scenes especially when its two characters who fall in love. Nothing beats raw passion between lovers. 


Not that casual sex isn't amazing and there is of course plenty of casual sex in my stories. But who's to say a Husband and Wife cant have casual sex? Not me. Sounds great!

Conspiracy Concept

And now for something completely different...


I am writing a conspiracy theory book! Totally not like me but currently I am having so much fun with this.


If you like celebrities and news you will love this book. Could be a while in the making but its a complicated one to write!

Image by Markus Winkler

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